Sunday, December 28, 2014

10 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Believe it or not, but the small seeds of the cocoa tree are able of magic. Dark chocolate has a number of health benefits, and they are conditioned with the cocoa seeds. They have a number of health benefits and decrease the risk of heart disease. Now let’s get acquainted with a few of the health benefits of dark chocolate. Here we go.

Believe it or not, but the small seeds of the cocoa tree are able of magic. Dark chocolate has a number of health benefits, and they are conditioned with the cocoa seeds.
Health benefits of dark chocolate are numerous.
Dark chocolate is nutritious

You can get a reasonable amount of soluble fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, and other minerals, and then buy dark chocolate that contains 70-85% cocoa. They are nutritious and high in cocoa content. Dark chocolate benefits are not limited to this one.

Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants

A recent study showed that the dark chocolate contains more antioxidants, polyphenols and flavanols than a few fruits, as blueberries and other berries. Thus, dark chocolate benefits were added with one more extravagant version.

Dark chocolate improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure

It is proved that the dark chocolate contributes to blood flow and lowers blood pressure due to the flavanols stimulating endothelium. That is what makes the next health benefit of dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate raises HDL and protects LDL

Dark chocolate take-in can improve a number of significant risk factors for heart disease. During the trial, cocoa powder significantly decreased LDL cholesterol amounts in men. It also increased HDL and decreased LDL in men with high cholesterol, enriching the list of dark chocolate benefits.

Dark chocolate decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease

Studies proved that the use of cocoa may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A recent study that included 470 elderly men showed that cocoa reduces the risk of cardiovascular death by a whopping 50% during the 15 years.

Another study discovered that eating chocolate two or three times a week may lower the risk of calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%. So this was another option for improving your healthy lifestyle.

Dark chocolate raises HDL and protects LDL
Dark chocolate improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure.

It turns out that the dark chocolate is useful for your skin as well. The flavanols that it contains are sun-induced damage protectors and improve your blood circulation in the skin. 

Dark chocolate improves brain function

We have good news for those who get tired soon. Believe it or not, dark chocolate improves your brain function and stimulates verbal fluency, the cognitive function of your brain, etc. So daily consumption of dark chocolate will significantly increase your mental health and productivity.

These were the tips that we would like to share with you in regard to health benefits of dark chocolate. Be healthy and don’t forget to take your piece of dark chocolate with you.

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